Das Symposium thematisiert sozial-ökonomische Zusammenhänge und diskutiert neue Ansätze und Visionen von Architekten und Planern für unsere gebaute Umwelt. Raumdialog stellt in diesem Rahmen die Projektarbeit des Desi Lab bei Expedition Metropolis mit dem aktuellen Projekt Desi Local Lab:extended und der Leitfrage Wie können Kinder und Jugendliche direkt und aktiv Stadträume (mit)gestalten? vor.
Date: Freitag, 7 Mai 2021, 17:00 Uhr
Format: Online
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Co-Design at Desi Local Lab – Abstract
Desi Local Lab:extended is a ‘Do it together’-project (DIT) with children and youths, located at the community theatre Expedition Metropolis in the ‘Alte Desinfectionsanstalt’, in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Since several years, a series of projects is trying to establish a co-creation-approach focused on urban space. Desi Local Lab:extended its supported by the program ‘Kultur macht stark’ at the ‘Bundesverband Soziokultur’ and connected to local partners such as the Rosa-Parks-Grundschule.
By expeditions, building workshops and street-actions the project starts an active examination of urban space. We organize weekly sessions for children and youths to meet and collaborate. In a design- and learning-process their ideas become formulated and developed together. Therefore we use artistic, creative and manual working methods. The produced results, such as objects, installations or performances, will be presented and discussed into the public space.
Started from the perspective of architecture and urban design, the project tries to establish a diverse practice of appropriation. Therefore, it supports an understanding of environment as ‚our‘ space and changeable ‚playground‘. We combine the concepts of community art and collaborative design: basis is the assumption that everyone is a creative person. The use of artistic and design methods as ‘make tools’ help to find, formulate, visualise, develop and realise ideas. Moreover, the shared design process supports collaboration and self-confidence. In addition, an active use and communication in public space produces new experiences and relations.
The work can be characterised by 5 main aspects:
- Enable and support spontaneity and experiment: The children and youths should to be able to let off steam and express themselves, as well as, to discover and feel one’s own power of development.
- Develop and implement ideas and goals together: By experiencing a joint design process. Producing and implementing are important experiences of self-efficacy.
- Work artistically, creatively, and manually: The use of materials and tools is fun. In the process of making children and youths get in touch with their artistic side.
- Appropriation of public spaces: Go outside by walks, perceiving the environment is the first step of understanding urbanity. By placing new objects, the public space is tested and appropriated.
- Common place and meeting point: the location of Expedition Metropolis has a courtyard and a workshop. That offers a place of retreat; gives a space of reference, and its own location in the city.
Desi Local Lab:extended would like to install an open local infrastructure of co-creation and explore its potentials. By using community art and collaborative design the facility would like to establish a new practice. We are looking for a stronger direct participation of children and youths in urban development and planning. Finally, we would like to provide children and youths a visible and audible voice in society.